Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Top 10 proposal!!

1. Alysha: Alysha's blog was very nice contructed. I kike her proposal because it would have equal rights for everybody.
2. Paulette: This blog is very interesting because it talks about the people of the 3rd age. Her proposal consist of helping the oldpeople to get more benifits in the United States.
3. Celimar: Celimar's blog post is about immigration. Her proposal said that it would help the immigrants to lived in the country without any problem.
4. nelsharry: She talks about the people with impediment. Her proposal consist of helping the impediment to get equal rights with the normal people.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

The proposal...

The amendments is when somebody alternates or add to a motion, bill or constitutional etc... There are more than 20 amendments about immigrants. None of them are enough and immigrants deserve more rights than the exist ones. That why I will change and make a proposal to help the immigrants. 

The 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution was ratified in 1868 and states that "all persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside." It would be better if the fathers or parents of the child that was born in the country could have the citizens too.

My proposal will be "all persons born in the United States will be citizens including their parents". I choose parents because as the child has the opportunity to live in  the US, the family or parents can have it too because they would have to raise him. This will help immigrants to get jobs and to bring their families to the United States. Consider this proposal, it will be helpful.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Immigrations' Visas and passport!

 In the last 20 years the rights of immigrants haven't change dramatically. Almost 55 million immigrants have arrived to the US. Not all are legal but the government changed laws and did deals with immigrants' leaders. The majority of Americans want the aliens out; but the leaders of United States can't do such thing, so they made new rights for the immigrants.

There is a right of a card that helps the immigrants to get in legally but in a period of time. The name is Visa. There are 11 visas with different purpose, but the most important are 5(Work Visa, Esta Travel Visa, Students Visa, Green Cards and citizenship) . The first one is Work Visa: this will help any unskilled or skilled worker to live in the US for a short time only. Another one is Esta Travel Visa: this will permit any immigrant to arrive in the USA to do business in a period of 90 day. Students Visa: this is emphasize on high, elementary and preschool and will permit them to study in the country. Green Cards: A Green Card provides lawful permanent residence status in the US and can be applied for through a family member, employment or the Diversity Lottery. Last but not least citizenship. This will gave a completely  permanent residents and applicants who have certain parental ties to the US may apply to become citizens and be eligible to obtain a US passport.

Rights are changing in a positive way. Immigrants in the past couldn't get  help from the government or any Visa. Now being an immigrant is not easy but its not horrible. I think that immigrants deserve more because this a big country and the Americans can accept them peacefully.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Immigrants fight back!!

The nation’s immigrant population (legal and illegal) reached a record of 37.9 million in 2007. Immigrants are fighting for their visa in may ways; some are peacefully; but sometimes they are not. The frustrations of illegal immigrants are not being citizens of this country. There are a lot of groups that fight for staying in the US; but sometimes, their manifestations and parades in favor of immigrants, are not always peacefully.

 In Arizona there is problem with the immigrants because they are not welcome there. If you have a brown skin you can be beaten or put into jail. That is very bad and unfair. But the immigrants are fighting back! they are putting propagandas and telling the people that they are humans and not slave; and they deserve to be in the US without being discriminated by the Whites. This is call Oppose the Attack of Immigrants.

Even though they had fought a lot for their "liberty" the Americans will never be okay with them. The reactions to the majority of the manifestations are the same, ''whites'' don't care. They will be discriminating the immigrants for ever. Americans have never agreed with the idea of having "aliens" in their country and that's why the immigrants will not be a part if the US during this time.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Immigrants are being mistreated?

  Immigrants had being mistreated in many ways. They are mistreated because some Americans don't like the idea of them staying in their country. Immigrants like the Asians, had to work hard in Chinese restaurants and minimarkets. Latins have the dirtiest jobs in the country; washing bathrooms, checking above the houses and cleaning them too. Some Latins do not even have a job to maintain their families.

One of the groups of people that mistreated the immigrants are the high class.  Most of the time is the high class paid them a minimum amount of money for very hard work. Jobs like baby sitting, doing domestic jobs and in the case of Mexicans, doing the gardens of the houses. Police can't do anything about that exploitation because most of them are illegal. Another group that discriminated them are the police because they are angry with the immigrants because the police think that they do not deserve to be in USA.

There are laws that protect the immigrants from discrimination. The court may award employment discrimination monetary damages for the immigrants under the Civil Rights Act of 1991. This law protects employment discrimination based on race and nationality, so it protects immigrants. Employers hiring immigrants must not discriminate against them because the immigrants can and may take legal action. Immigrants can also file a complaint to the Equal Opportunity Employment Commission and have information and proof of discrimination ready. 

Imigration Rights!

Immigrants are people that move from one place to another. In the US, many immigrants had come from the earlies 18th to 19th century. One of the first groups that immigrate to the US were the Pilgrims. They moved here because they wanted a free religion. Another group immigrating to the US were Asian, Europe and Latin Americans. The recent group that are moving to the US are Latins.

The percentage of immigrants in the US is rising up every single day. The percent of Mexican immigrants are 56%, Latin Americans 22%, 13% from Central America, 6% from Asian and 3% from other parts of the world. Mexicans are the greater part of the immigrants even though the majority of them are illegal. They are coming to United States to make a new life. They're ecomomic problems are a lot and that's the reason for them to come.

The immigrants had come to the states since the 1800's. The group its too large and that's why Americans are taking considerations of the illegal immigrants. If the immigrants keep coming to the US, it would be overpopulated and it would be terrible. No human being is illegal and all people deserve to be in a city where they feel comfortable.

Friday, March 25, 2011

My opinion of other blogs!

I liked Paulette's essay because the information about the indians and how americans treated them, was very nice. Another thing I liked about shes blog was the information about the ghost dance; because I learned more about it and how was perform. It was created by Wovoka.

Jan Paul's essay was interesting because it talks about indians Religion and culture. One curious fact about this essay was that the indians believe in a god named Whataka and they will pray and make dance to manifistaded him.

I liked Keven's bolg post because it tells about the trade that Americans propose to the Indians and they refused it. Also it talks about Sitting Bull and the problems he had to fights and how hard was to leave in the reservation. It very sad :(.

Stephanie: This essay is very good performed. It talks about little bit of everything. It talks about how bad the Americans treat Native Americans, what restriction the Whites put on them and also the wars and fights versus the indians.

Raymond: This essay talks about how the Native Americans leave before the Whites arrived and take off their lands. It says that the indians were leaving happy with their families and friends. They had their own religion and they could do almost whatever they want. They could hunt and find their food at the time that they wanted to do it. This was untill the Whites arrived and toke out their home and dignity. This blog was great performed and how he presented was really good too.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

White Americans VS. Native Americans

Native American people were not well treated by the Americans. They leaved peacefully until the Americans came and forced them to leave their lands. The Native's won battles against them but also they loose. The Indians refused the idea that the American's gave them, so they they didn't have another option rather than to leave. Americans just wanted things their own way, so the Native Americans were supposed to assimilate them. 

Ghost Dance Religion
 Americans didn't like the North American Indians. They wanted their lands no matter what. Also they  talk to the Indians officials about a money trade. The money trade consisted about getting the lands were the Indians lived. Native Americans did not like too much the idea and refused. Whites would not gave up so easily, so they continue to insist about making the trade with the Indians. The Native's really didn't accept the offer, but they didn't have another way to get out. Many of the Indians stayed in the Lakota Reservations from 1860's to 1870's. Others, decided to travel to Canada and settle there. They did not wanted to stay under the orders from the white man. 

General George A. Custer
Whites were treating Indians very bad in the reservations. The native Americans had to do something about it.  At that time, the  Battle of Little Big Horn occurred. This was a battle created by General George Custer in 1876. Many Indians died, but Custer's group was defeated. Sitting Bull decided to escape from his camp and settle in Canada with some people of his group. In this period, wars between both of them really were starting. The Native Americans created a belief called "The Ghost Dance". When the general of the white men knew, he told that they should get rid of it. This led to the Wounded Knee Massacre in which about 100 Indians survived. They  didn't have any support and not too much advanced artillery. Almost the 40% of the Native Americans living in Standing Rock Reservation were woman and children. In my opinion this was very unfair because whites were outnumbered and the Indian group was small next to them.

 The whites did not just conform with the Indian's lands. They wanted Native Americans to assimilate them. This consist of Indians being likely to them as well as physically. Indians had to assimilate in their names, religion and culture. One example that we can say is from the movie "Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee", an Indian boy was obligated to change his native name Ohiyesa to an American one which was Charles E.  Americans wanted to change the religion, because they didn't like the religion that natives believed in which was "The Ghost Dance". This religion was a manifestation that the Indians made to pray to the Killing spirit.

Finally, even though the Native Americans came first, the Whites wanted to take off their lands.In most of the battles, the Indians got defeated since they didn't have too much advanced weapons. The Natives preferred moving to Canada rather than staying with the whites. The White Americans forced the Indians to assimilate them

-Native Americans
More info about the Native Americans 
-A History of Oppresion : Native Americans

Friday, February 18, 2011

Reflection on other blogs ;)

Stephanie blog was interesting because it has information about Italian culture and good information about it. Also another thing about Steph blog was she's last names, descriptions and history about the last names and their culture.

Paulette's blog was very interesting because its talk about Japanese immigration and how they get to the U.S. A curious fact about this blog was that many Japanese couldn't enter to the U.S because of the the immigration act of 1984. She's last names came from Spain and England. Is interesting because very low people come to Puerto Rico from England and story would have to be good

Carlo blog its very different because his the only one that do the Jews people. A interesting fact about Jews was that Jews people were discriminated almost all over the world. Brazil, Germany, Europe and other countries were against them.

Arshad blog i learned about the different parts of the world he went. from Puerto Rico where he was born till he moved to Palestine and Dallas for a better life. many different things happen to him with name calling and picking on him just because of 911 and where his family came from you shouldn't judge people so quick you should get to no them before because he is a good guy.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

My Family Descent! Virella, Velazquez

My paternal Last name "Virella" came from Portugal. They traveled sometime in 1860's to US then, separate and start to immigrate to Puerto Rico and some to virgins islands. Maternal last name was Velazquez and it comes from Spain. The grant grant father of my grandfather tell him  that the immigrate from spain to United States of America some  time in 1820's. Then the family started to spread out in 1840 to Puerto Rico and places on US.They started to move to  Puerto Rico, to find a better economical life.I t still some of the family in the country, but the mayority lived on Puerto Rico. It's surprising of how my family came to Puerto Rico in that years because thanks to them I'm here not on Spain or Portugal.

Immigration Isues...

This video tells of how much the immigration has increased and all the the different cultures and people are in the US. It very surprising of how high the amount of immigration people on U.S (37.9 million record).My perspective will always be the same one the immigrated people come to US for "American Dream" and citizens have to understand that.I think that Immigration people deserve to be on the US (illegal or legal) because when they are in the country, almost all of them work hard and do the hard work that the citizens do not like to do.

Angelo Dimitri

 My name is Angelo Dimitri I'm 12 years old and I came to U.S when I was 6 years old with my father. My father name was Jane Dimitri and his job was as a constructor. We come to U.S without our family because they couldn't enter on the boat. My dad hope to see them again (if they are alive) and to get all of us back together as a family.

 My life on this country was not the grater one, I could not go to school because my father doesn't have enough money to buy any notebook or books for the school. My routine for every day was to prepare breakfast for my dad, work on a shop and go to church. My dad and I go to the church every day because my dad says that if pray to God He would gave us the opportunity to see our family again.

 Sometimes my dad comes to the house and I could see his arms with scratches and all over the, I think is for the hard work he do on his job. I'm worried because I didn't know what was going with my that, so one day I persecuted him to his job: and I saw something that will be on my mind every day of my life. He was doing his job and I don't know way, but he was smashing with the hammer so hard and crying. In that time I realize that my dad missed my Mom and my brothers very bad.

 One day when I was preparing the breakfast, before he sat down on the chair, I put a small sox on the table right behind the plate.  When he saw the sox, he grab it and opened it; it have 20 dollars. With that money he could send it to Italy and my mother and brothers could get on a ship to U.S. His tears were of joy and when he asked how I get it I tell him that it was on the job. He send the money and after 6 years later we see our family again. We were not economically good but the money doesn't matter if we have what we pray to God every day.

The Italians

Italians start their immigrations on 1870. However, Italy was now one of the most crowed people in Europe, and many people start to leave it. People in Italy were thinking that if they move to America there lives will be better and more economic. There were reason to leave their home and few of the were: Starvation, poorness, high taxes and low wages.

 The journey to U.S was not a happy movie. First they would have to go on a ship and sometimes not all the family could enter to the ship. When they were on the ship the voyage to the U.S last 40 days and sometimes it could take 6 months. If you were on the first and second class your journey would not be the worst one. They could get food on a dinning room and sleep on private beds. If people were on third class( mostly of the immigrants) they will sleep together and the food was sheep.

In United States many immigrants arrive on Ellis Island, New York. Before they could enter to the city and start they new life they would have to be tested by doctors. If the people didn't have a disease or a injury they could enter, but if they were sick or have a disease, they would have to go to their home land. Most of the Italians jobs were Unskilled laborers though, working in mines and construction. (the hard work). And there living conditions on the U.S were not the good. Their religion was Catholics.  In the U.S Italians were discriminated by the citizens of the country. They were discriminated because the US people think that Italians were not loyal to the country and they didn't deserve to be in there United States.

Immigrating to the U.S is a dangerous risk on their life. they didn't what was going to happened. Learning about the Italians immigration, it gave me the opportunity to understand it more intense. It gave me a sad mood because of the people that try so hard and sometimes they die or lose their families. If I was in there position, I would not last a minute to get frustrated and die of starvation or any disease that were given.