Thursday, March 24, 2011

White Americans VS. Native Americans

Native American people were not well treated by the Americans. They leaved peacefully until the Americans came and forced them to leave their lands. The Native's won battles against them but also they loose. The Indians refused the idea that the American's gave them, so they they didn't have another option rather than to leave. Americans just wanted things their own way, so the Native Americans were supposed to assimilate them. 

Ghost Dance Religion
 Americans didn't like the North American Indians. They wanted their lands no matter what. Also they  talk to the Indians officials about a money trade. The money trade consisted about getting the lands were the Indians lived. Native Americans did not like too much the idea and refused. Whites would not gave up so easily, so they continue to insist about making the trade with the Indians. The Native's really didn't accept the offer, but they didn't have another way to get out. Many of the Indians stayed in the Lakota Reservations from 1860's to 1870's. Others, decided to travel to Canada and settle there. They did not wanted to stay under the orders from the white man. 

General George A. Custer
Whites were treating Indians very bad in the reservations. The native Americans had to do something about it.  At that time, the  Battle of Little Big Horn occurred. This was a battle created by General George Custer in 1876. Many Indians died, but Custer's group was defeated. Sitting Bull decided to escape from his camp and settle in Canada with some people of his group. In this period, wars between both of them really were starting. The Native Americans created a belief called "The Ghost Dance". When the general of the white men knew, he told that they should get rid of it. This led to the Wounded Knee Massacre in which about 100 Indians survived. They  didn't have any support and not too much advanced artillery. Almost the 40% of the Native Americans living in Standing Rock Reservation were woman and children. In my opinion this was very unfair because whites were outnumbered and the Indian group was small next to them.

 The whites did not just conform with the Indian's lands. They wanted Native Americans to assimilate them. This consist of Indians being likely to them as well as physically. Indians had to assimilate in their names, religion and culture. One example that we can say is from the movie "Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee", an Indian boy was obligated to change his native name Ohiyesa to an American one which was Charles E.  Americans wanted to change the religion, because they didn't like the religion that natives believed in which was "The Ghost Dance". This religion was a manifestation that the Indians made to pray to the Killing spirit.

Finally, even though the Native Americans came first, the Whites wanted to take off their lands.In most of the battles, the Indians got defeated since they didn't have too much advanced weapons. The Natives preferred moving to Canada rather than staying with the whites. The White Americans forced the Indians to assimilate them

-Native Americans
More info about the Native Americans 
-A History of Oppresion : Native Americans

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