Thursday, April 7, 2011

Imigration Rights!

Immigrants are people that move from one place to another. In the US, many immigrants had come from the earlies 18th to 19th century. One of the first groups that immigrate to the US were the Pilgrims. They moved here because they wanted a free religion. Another group immigrating to the US were Asian, Europe and Latin Americans. The recent group that are moving to the US are Latins.

The percentage of immigrants in the US is rising up every single day. The percent of Mexican immigrants are 56%, Latin Americans 22%, 13% from Central America, 6% from Asian and 3% from other parts of the world. Mexicans are the greater part of the immigrants even though the majority of them are illegal. They are coming to United States to make a new life. They're ecomomic problems are a lot and that's the reason for them to come.

The immigrants had come to the states since the 1800's. The group its too large and that's why Americans are taking considerations of the illegal immigrants. If the immigrants keep coming to the US, it would be overpopulated and it would be terrible. No human being is illegal and all people deserve to be in a city where they feel comfortable.

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